I try to write down the funny things my kids do and say because my mind just can't remember them all. I'm glad I do because this morning I came across a funny thing Tom did in Kindergarten that I had completely forgotten. As I read it this morning I started laughing so hard I cried! Here is what I wrote in my journal:
September 18, 2010
This week after school one day I checked Tom's backpack like I always do and I found a ziploc bag inside. I pulled it out and read the note with it. It said "Do these belong to someone in your family? -Mrs. Bruggink"
Inside the bag was a pair of red underwear. I was so confused! I couldn't figure out how a pair of Tom's undies had gotten to school. Tom kept telling me they weren't his because he had white ones on. He was pulling his waistband down a bit saying, "See, mom! See! They aren't mine! See! I have white ones on!"
I asked him how they got to school and he said, "They were right there" pointing to his ankle. I said, "Were they stuck to your shoe?" He said, "No. They were right there!" The only thing that I could guess was that they were inside his pants when he put them on and they worked their way down and out his pant leg.
I emailed his teacher and asked her what happened and she said she didn't know. He was just sitting on the rug playing with a pair of underwear and she didn't know what to do. She went and talked to another teacher who was the one that wrote the note. She said she'd never had this happen before.
I was so worried the undies might be dirty I had to check and thank goodness they were clean!
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