Monday, November 5, 2012

Summer Summer!

Our summer was great! Hannah played softball for two teams. She pitched for one and played outfield and third base for the other. She had a great experience and her coach for the second team said she was one of the fastest runners he'd ever coached. I helped coach her first team and that was a fun experience for me. The girls were so much fun!


 New Orleans

Matt and I took a few days to visit New Orleans. We wanted to experience the south so we did. We visited the French Quarter and Bourbon Street. It was a fun place to visit, great food, great music.

The Mississippi
I don't think this was Bourbon Street but it was close. Love the balconies!
We found this guy hanging out in the bayou! *shudder*
This summer was the summer of visiting with long time friends which is something I absolutely love.
The Bohmans - and a Jensen - at Pineview Res.
My childhood friends got together for dinner. I haven't seen some of them for years.
Cole received his Arrow of Light Award.
The 21st of July was a great day! It all started with Matt and I trying to decide whether he should run the fun run with Hannah. It was around 5:30 in the morning and he asked, "Should I get up and go?" and I said, "Go." So he got up and ran. Hannah ran the fastest mile for all the females and won.... a bag of potato chips, some carmel corn (a little ironic at a sporting event? ;) and a T-shirt. Then she won some beauty products in the drawing afterward.
Matt won in the drawing as well. He won the BIG prize! The treadmill! My poor sister has run this thing for years and never won a prize. Hannah has won something every year she's entered and on Matt's first run he wins it big.

After the run we went to the small Hyde Park City parade that I just love. You get to see and visit with all those wonderful good old Hyde Parkers. After the parade we went to Bear Lake for the Budge Family Reunion where we again got to visit with wonderful people. After the reunion we bought fresh raspberry shakes (a must if ever in Bear Lake) and drove home only to see the most beautiful rainbow that went right into the lake. If you look very closely you can see it right behind us.



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